Figure 4. Recognition of damaged chromatin by BARD1.
(A) Top-down view of the BARD1 Ank-BRCT domains (blue) bound to a nucleosome containing H2A K15-Ub and H4K20me0 (PDB: 7E8I). (B) Interactions between the BARD1 BRCT domain and the H2A/H2B acidic patch. (C) Interactions between the BARD1 Ank domain and the H4 N-terminal tail. Residue sidechains mutated in the “BARD1–3A” mutant are shown as blue sticks. (D) Interaction between the BARD1 BRCT Ub-directed recognition motif and H2A K15-Ub. The BARD1 “Arg anchor” sidechain interacting with the H2A/H2B acidic patch is shown in sticks. (E) Proposed model of binding for the RING heterodimer BRCA1/BARD1/E2 complex and the BARD1 Ank-BRCTs to both sides of the same nucleosome (overlay of PDB models 7JZV and 7E8I).