Figure 1.
Multivariate antibody responses against canonical antigens are predictive of severe COVID-19 outcomes
(A) Conceptual overview of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody profiling platform used to characterize and quantify serum Abs directed against canonical and non-canonical antigens.
(B) Polar plots illustrating measured Ab features against canonical Ag specificities—spike, spike RBD, and nucleocapsid.
(C) Performance of LASSO model to discriminate between survivors and non-survivors built using deep humoral profiles against canonical Ag specificities. Model performance is measured in a k-fold cross-validation framework with permutation testing. Actual denotes the performance of the model, built on real data. Permuted denotes performance of the model on shuffled data in a matched cross-validation framework (negative control).
(D) LASSO-selected features from model built using deep humoral profiles against canonical Ag specificities. ns, non-survivor; s, survivor.
(E) PLS-DA using only the LASSO-selected features from the model in (D) to discriminate between survivors and non-survivors.
(F) Performance of the model (built using the Pitt cohort) on an orthogonal (Boston) cohort.