Figure 1.
Ca2+ imaging in multiple neurons revealed that ALA is activated during motion bouts
(A) Microfluidic chamber (Worm Sheet) for Ca2+ imaging (A-1), magnified image of a mounted worm (A-2), and fluorescence signals detected from the head of a mounted worm (A-3, 4, 5) are shown.
(B) Representative data from 1 individual showing the changes in GCaMP6s signals. Each row represents a single neuron. Neurons were lined up in order based on Ca2+ activity during the motion bout (dotted rectangle). Gray areas represent sleep bouts. The bottom panel shows the locomotion of the animal. The red and blue rectangle shows the signal from ALA and RIS, respectively.
(C) Patterns of Ca2+ activity of RIS and ALA. The same data as (B) are shown. The gray area represents sleep bouts, and the dotted rectangle indicates a motion bout.
(D) Comparison of averaged ALA activity during motion and sleep bouts. p-value in Mann-Whitney’s U test is indicated. N and n in the figure represent numbers of animals and bouts, respectively.