Pancreatic sections of rat showing a], b] and c] normal sized stained islets of Langerhans in healthy control group I and melatonin administrated control group II (H&E; x200&400, respectively), d] and e] small-sized hypocellular pale-staining islets of Langerhans in non-treated diabetic group III (H&E; x200&400, respectively), f] and g] restored islets of Langerhans in melatonin treated diabetic group IV (H&E; x400), h] and i] positive anti-insulin antibody reaction as indicated by brown colour (group I and II; x400), j] and k] negative anti-insulin antibody reaction in non-treated diabetic group III (x200), l] and m] positive anti-insulin antibody reaction in melatonin treated diabetic group IV (x200&x400, respectively), n] and o] no NF- κB expression in group I and II (x400), p] and q] significant elevation of NF- κB expression as brown colour indicates positive immunstaining in non treated diabetic group III, r] and s] no NF- κB expression in melatonin treated diabetic group IV (x200&400, respectively).