Figure EV4. Direct optogenetic activation of RAS highlights different ERK dynamics phenotypes than optoFGFR input.
AQuantification of the maxPeak of ERK dynamics evoked by transient optoSOS input using different light doses (color code) and different numbers of 100 ms pulses (x‐axis) repeated every 20 s (N min = 136 cells from one replicate).
BHierarchical clustering (Maximum distance and Ward D2 linkage) of ERK responses under 2‐min interval optoSOS input shown in Fig 5C (D = 0.6 J/cm2, N = 90 cells). The number of clusters was empirically defined to resolve the different ERK amplitudes. Average ERK responses per cluster are displayed on the right.
CQuantification of the baseline of single‐cell ERK responses under sustained optoFGFR (Fig 2F, D = 18 mJ/cm2) and optoSOS (Fig 5D, D = 0.6 J/cm2) input for low or high expression of each optogenetic system (N = 40 cells per condition). Statistical analysis was done using a Wilcoxon test, comparing each condition to each other (N min = 48 cells per condition, NS: non‐significant, **< 0.005, FDR P‐value correction method).
D, EERK responses under RNAi perturbations targeting MAPK signaling nodes active below RAS (sustained optoSOS input, D = 0.6 J/cm2, N = 40 cells from low (D) and high (E) optoSOS expressing cells for each perturbation, randomly selected out of at least 193 trajectories from three technical replicates).
FViolin plot distributions of the baseline, maxPeak and ERKpostStim of single‐cell ERK responses under sustained high optoSOS input (D = 0.6 J/cm2, N min = 33 cells with high optoSOS expression per treatment, from three technical replicates). Statistical analysis was done using a Wilcoxon test comparing each treatment to the control (*< 0.05, **< 0.005, ***< 0.0005, ****< 0.00005, FDR P‐value correction method).
GAverage ERK responses during a selected time window (dashed line, upper panel) for selected siPOOLs affecting ERK adaptation (ERKpostStim in Fig 5F) (sustained optoSOS input, D = 0.6 J/cm2, N min = 270 cells per condition from three technical replicates).
Data information: In (A), (C), and (F), boxes indicate the upper and lower quartiles, the central bands indicate the median, and whiskers extend to individuals up to 1.5 interquartile away from the median.