Fig. 8: Intravitreal injection of vMCO1 led to ON-bipolar specific expression in rd10 mice retina without causing inflammatory-response.
The cryo-sectioned retinal slices were immunostained using primary antibodies with different dilution (PKCα- 1:200; mCherry-1: 500; Arrestin-1: 1000; GFAP-1: 500; CD45-1: 500) and DyLight 488 (1: 500 dilution) as a secondary antibody. PKCα stain (green, A) showing bipolar cells expressing MCO1 (visualized by intrinsic mCherry expression 16 weeks after injection of vMCO-1 (1.0 x 1010 vg) in 12 weeks old rd10 mice, B). High levels of colocalization with virally expressed MCO1 in bipolar cells, evident in (C). (D) Representative high-resolution zoomed picture showing membrane expression of MCO1 in bipolar cells and overlay picture of mCherry and PKCα confirming co-localization. (E) Absence of S-arrestin (green) confirms complete loss of photoreceptors. (F) Absence of CD45 (green) marker suggests no detectable immune cells after vMCO1 injection. (G) GFAP (green) observed as reported in photoreceptor degenerated retina. Scale: 50 μm.