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. 2022 May 31;119(23):e2111833119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111833119

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Concentration of fissile isotopes in SNF (“Fissile concentration”) vs. mass of fuel in each assembly (“Mass uranium”) for various reactors plotted alongside a criticality curve generated from the data of refs. 67, 72, and 73 to illustrate the sensitivity of SNF canister loading to the fissile isotope composition of the SNF. Inset shows enlargement of clustered points, labelled according to reactor-type and the associated initial fuel enrichment and burnup. Derivation of fissile concentration is explained in SI Appendix, section 2 or obtained from refs. 74 and 75. The molten salt SMR designs studied here contain several to tens of metric tons of uranium or thorium fuel that is not bound within structural assemblies and so, are here assigned an assembly mass similar to a PWR. "GE-PRISM" refers to the Power Reactor Innovative Small Module design by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy.