Overrepresentation analysis of gene ontology (GO) terms associated with proteins in all conditions F1–F4, performed using the R package
clusterProfiler. p values were calculated using Fisher’s exact test, with false discovery rate (FDR) correction for multiple testing. The set of all proteins identified in at least one mass spectrometry (MS) sample was used as the background (
Supplementary file 1 – sheet 1). To focus on RBPs and other proteins, ribosomal proteins (RPs) and translation factors were also excluded from both the test set and the background set. Only enriched terms with p value ≤0.01 (−log
10(adjusted p value) ≥2) are shown. Gene ratio is the proportion of the test set annotated with a given GO term. BP – biological process, MF – molecular function. No cellular component (CC) terms were significantly enriched in this set. See
Supplementary file 1 – sheet 4 for the full list of proteins associated with each term.