a) The hydroxyproline pocket required for anchoring the INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA) peptide to the HAESA receptor is missing in HSL3. Close view of the binding pocket of the structural superimposition of the HAESA-IDA complex (PDB:5IXQ) and a homology model of HSL3 (AlphaFold:
https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/). The HAESA receptor is depicted in surface representation in teal blue, IDA in yellow sticks, and HSL3 in magenta cartoon. In HSL3, the hydroxyproline pocket is replaced by the bulky residue Phe286, colliding with the potential anchoring of the IDA peptide to the receptor. (
b) The conserved RxR motif necessary for the coordination of the COO
- group the last Asn in IDA is not present in the HSL3 receptor. Zoom in of the C-terminal region of the peptide-binding surface of HAESA (teal blue) (left panel) and HSL3 (magenta) (right panel). In HAESA the motif RxR closes the binding pocket allowing for the coordination of the C-terminal of IDA. In HSL3 this structural motif is substituted by the residues Thr406 and Gln408, leaving the binding surface open to potentially accommodate a longer peptide ligand. Figures were done using the PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.0 Schrödinger, LLC.