Fig. 3.
Recombinant SGK1 fails to stimulate αP622FβγENaC. Left panels, representative current traces recorded in outside-out patches of αβγENaC (a, b) or αP622FβγENaC (C) expressing oocytes as described in Fig. 2. Heat-inactivated SGK1 (inactive SGK1) or constitutively active recombinant SGK1 (80 U/ml) were included in the pipette solutions as indicated under the traces. Right panels, summary of normalized ∆IAmi values obtained from similar experiments as shown in the representative traces (left panels) using the same symbols as in Fig. 2. αβγENaC/inactive SGK1, n = 5; αβγENaC/SGK1, n = 7; αP622FβγENaC/SGK1, n = 7. ∆IAmi values determined at individual time points were compared with the corresponding initial ∆IAmi value at 4 min using paired Student’s ratio t-test. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01