Fig. 3. KDM2A KD suppressed bladder cancer cell proliferation and migration.
A Cell viability assays to investigate the proliferation ability of UMUC3 and 5637 cells that stably transduced with non-targeting scrambled control shRNA (shCtrl) or two KDM2A shRNAs (shKDM2A-1 and shKDM2A-2). B, C Flow cytometry analysis of early apoptosis staining by annexin V and PI and cell cycle staining by PI in UMUC3 and 5637 cells upon KDM2A KD. D Sphere-forming assay was performed on UMUC3 cells following KDM2A KD. The sphere size was measured on day seven. E Invasion assay was performed to assess UMUC3 and 5637 cells upon KDM2A KD with two different shRNA targets. Cell invasion was assessed by counting the number of migrating cells after 24 h. F KDM2A KD in UMUC3 cells were subcutaneously injected into BALB/c nude mice (n = 6 per group). Left: images of tumor tissue in the control and KDM2A KD groups (day 21). Right: the volumes of xenograft tumors of nude mice derived from subcutaneous implantation of UMUC3 cell lines. G Bioluminescence in vivo imaging showing the metastases of nude mice (n = 6 per group) injected (i.v.) with KDM2A KO or control UMUC3 cells. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 is based on the Student’s t test. All results are from more than three independent experiments. Values are mean ± SD.