Figure 2.
Path diagram depicting parallel mediation model 1, testing whether changes in equanimity (MSES-R-E) and awareness (EQ) mediate the effects of MiCBT vs. control on improvements in the DASS-21. Unstandardized path coefficients are displayed. * < 0.05; *** < 0.001. EQ, Experiences Questionnaire; MSES-R-E, Mindfulness-based Self-Efficacy Scale-Revised-Equanimity subscales; DASS-21, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21. a, b, c′ and c are unstandardized regression coefficient (with standard errors) which represent predicting the mediator from group (a), DASS-21 change form M controlling for group (b), DASS-21 change from group controlling for both mediators (direct effect, c′), and DASS-21 change from group not controlling for the mediators (total effect, c). The product of a and b paths, ab, represents the mediated or indirect effect. Change refers to standardized residualized changed scores.