Wholemount in situ hybridization results show diminished gene expression of NTD-associated transcription factors Pax3, Cdx2 and Cdx4 in the dorsal PNPs of Pax3-Cre;Lrp6-cKOs at E9.5. (A-D) Pax3 expression is strong at the PNP closure site, as shown in a littermate control embryo (brackets in A, sagittal view and in B, dorsal view), whereas it is diminished specifically at the defective closure site of the mutant PNP (dashed line brackets in C,D). (E-H) Cdx2 is widely expressed in the caudal body of the control embryo, including dorsal PNP (bracket in E, sagittal view; arrowheads in F, transverse section from the region of the dashed line in E), and it is specifically diminished in the dorsal PNP of the mutant embryo (dashed line bracket in G and arrowheads in H). (I-L) Cdx4 is expressed in the dorsal PNP of the control embryo (bracket in I and arrowheads in J), and it is specifically diminished in the dorsal PNP of the mutant embryo (dashed line bracket in K and arrowheads in L). Asterisks indicate the dorsolateral hinge points.