Table 6.
Characteristics of the main fabrics on the market
Fabric type | Features |
Sea Cell Active fibers® Smart Fiber AG, Thuringia, Germanya |
Made using Lyocell, dried algae are crushed, ground, and incorporated into cellulose fiber. The antibacterial effect is obtained through the activation of metal ions. |
SkinDoctor® Ventex Co., Ltd., Korea | It is a silver-associated cellulose fabric made with algae, with a moisture control system. To produce the fabric, a semi-permanent antibacterial (titanium dioxide-silver) is applied to the regenerated rayon (Lyocell; Lenzing AG, Lenzing, Austria). This rayon represents 60% of the final fabric and the remaining 40% is made up of polyester. |
Skintoskin® New Textiles, Ltd, London | It is a fabric of cellulose fibers with algae enriched with silver ions. |
Chitosan | Chitosan is a product of the waste from the crustacean food industry. It is a biopolymer with biological, physiological, and pharmacological properties, such as biodegradability, non-toxicity, and strong antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria thanks to the combined bactericidal and bacteriostatic action. |
MICROAIR DermaSilk ® (AlPreTec Srl, San Donà di Piave, Italya | Fabric is made of 100% silk fibroin, an animal protein composed of the same amino acids (glycine, alanine, serine, etc.) that form the stratum corneum, with added ammonium quaternary. |
DreamSkin TM (DreamSkin Health Ltd, Hatfield, UK) | Fabric made with silk fiber finished with DreamSkin® polymer and a zinc-based antibacterial. It is based on the same technology used for contact lenses. |
Padycare® Texamed GmbH | It is made of silver-coated polyamide fibers. |
Binamed® Binamed Moll GmbH | It consists of two different yarns, the micro modal fiber, and the silver thread. |
aAvailable in Italy