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. 2022 Jun 14;19:68. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01285-1

Table 6.

Stratification results of the temperature-physical activity associations in five Chinese cities

City Stratification OptTa OptT – 10 °C Change in steps 95% CI Sig. OptT
+ 10 °C
Change in steps 95% CI Sig.
BJ Male 20.0 10.0 − 344.9 − 453.2, − 236.6 * 29.9 − 353.4 −614.0, − 92.7 *
Female 18.7 8.7 − 339.2 − 456.4, − 222.0 * 28.7 −405.4 −641.1, − 169.6 *
18-64 19.3 9.3 − 344.1 −453.0, − 235.2 * 29.3 − 383.8 − 624.1, − 143.5 *
65+ 16.5 6.5 − 314.9 − 517.0, − 112.8 * 26.5 − 466.4 − 762.7, − 170.1 *
SH Male 18.6 8.6 − 249.6 − 422.6, −76.5 * 28.6 − 427.4 − 656.2, − 198.7 *
Female 17.3 7.3 − 250.6 −427.5, −73.7 * 27.3 − 418.7 − 609.1, − 228.4 *
18-64 18.0 8.0 −251.9 −422.1, −81.8 * 28.0 −430.1 −635.1, − 225.1 *
65+ 13.5 3.5 − 318.6 − 657.2, 20.1 23.5 − 501.3 −708.4, − 294.2 *
CQ Male 18.0 8.0 16.1 −200.4, 232.6 28.0 − 336.2 − 551.6, −120.9 *
Female 15.6 5.6 −76.6 −383.3, 230.1 25.6 − 376.7 − 589.0, − 164.5 *
18-64 16.2 6.2 −20.4 − 289.2, 248.4 26.2 − 327.2 − 533.0, − 121.4 *
65+ 20a 10.0 −2.4 − 292.9, 288.2 30.0 − 1541.8 − 1927.0, − 1156.7 *
SZ Male 24.3 14.3 − 291.8 − 536.9, −46.6 * 30.8b − 185.8 − 486.0, 114.5
Female 23.5 13.5 −338.1 −629.9, −46.4 * 30.8b − 242.2 − 571.0, 86.5
18-64 24.2 14.2 − 350.8 − 613.5, −88.0 * 30.8b − 203.5 − 513.1, 106.0
65+ 22.5 12.5 − 487.5 − 903.1, −71.9 * 30.8b − 462.4 − 901.8, −23.0 *
HK Male 20a 10.0 −4.5 − 312.7, 303.7 30.0 − 128.9 − 281.8, 24.1
Female 20a 10.0 −3.4 − 358.4, 351.6 30.0 −96.7 − 272.9, 79.5
18-64 20a 10.0 −3.6 − 333.1, 325.8 30.0 −104.0 − 267.5, 59.5
65+ 17.1 9.0 b −41.6 − 348.9, 265.7 27.1 − 193.2 − 290.1, −96.4 *

BJ Beijing, SH Shanghai, CQ Chongqing, SZ Shenzhen, HK Hong Kong, OptT optimal temperature, CI confidence interval. The model for each city was adjusted for relative humidity#, precipitation, windspeed, pressure#, sunshine, AQI/AQHI, month, day of week, public holiday, extra workdays, typhoon, super typhoon, and marathon (#some cities had these variables removed in the stepdown process)

aWhere association was not curvilinear, the optimal temperature was pre-set to 20 °C

bThe upper or lower limit of temperature was reached for that city’s dataset. The upper limit of temperature in the Shenzhen dataset was at 30.8 °C. The lower limit of temperature in Hong Kong was at 9.0 °C

* p ≤ 0.05 indicates significant difference