BH/PCP/Provider Work |
Same facility
Need drives communication
Some shared administrative resources
Informal interactions to help care for patients
Share space
Joint solutions
Function as one integrated system
Regular team meetings and communication
Shared concept of team care drives collaboration
Blended roles
Clinical Delivery |
Separate screening
Formal requests to share information
Separate care responsibilities
Some shared knowledge for high utilizer patients
Agree on some screenings/criteria for in-house referral
Some collaborative treatment planning for some patients
Some focus on evidence-based population needs training
Consistent cross-discipline screening guides interventions
Joint monitoring of target health conditions
Standard population medical/behavioral health screening
Consistent protocols
One treatment plan
Team selected evidence-based practices
Practice/ Organization |
No coordination, collaborative onus on each provider
Practice leadership might work toward systematic information sharing/valuing access to needed information
Co-location viewed as a separate project
Leaders may be supportive of mutual problem solving of system barriers
Inconsistent provider buy-in
Business Model |
Blended/Integrated funding based on multiple sources
Whole practice resource sharing
Billing maximized for integrated model