Figure 9.
GIPR activation reduced the enhanced synaptic transmission in the ACC. (A) Representative picture showing the location of the recorded pyramidal neurons in the ACC. (B) Representative mEPSCs recorded in pyramidal neurons of ACC at a holding potential of −70 mV. (C, D) Cumulative inter-event interval plot of recorded mEPSCs and summary plots of mEPSC frequency (n = 12 in control, CFA and CFA+D-Ala2 groups; n = 10 in CFA+Pro3+D-Ala2 group). (E, F) Cumulative plot of mEPSCs amplitude and summary plots of mEPSC amplitude (n = 12 in control, CFA and CFA+D-Ala2 groups; n = 10 in CFA+Pro3+D-Ala2 group). The traces in cumulative fraction plot represent mean values of each group. Totally, 24 mice were used in this section. D-Ala2-GIP treatment reversed the enhancement of mEPSCs frequency and amplitude in CFA-treated mice, which was attenuated by Pro3-GIP. D-Ala2 means D-Ala2-GIP; Pro3 means Pro3-GIP. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001.