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. 2022 Jun 9;44(1):958–965. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2022.2081180

Table 3.

Clinical characteristics among patients with AKI following the COVID-19 vaccines sourced from the VAERS database (December 2020 to June 2021).

Clinical characteristics Pfizer-BNT (n = 627) MODERNA (n = 433) JANSSEN (n = 89) p
Comorbidities, n (%) 327 (52.24) 292 (67.44) 57 (64.04) <.001*
 Hypertension, n (%) 177 (28.27) 151 (34.87) 27 (30.34) .073
 Diabetes, n (%) 105 (16.80) 102 (23.56) 19 (21.35) .023
 Chronic kidney diseases, n (%) 130 (20.77) 91 (21.02) 16 (17.98) .807
 Heart diseases, n (%) 117 (18.69) 102 (23.56) 16 (17.98) .129
 Asthma and COPD, n (%) 46 (7.35) 46 (10.62) 10 (11.24) .132
 Gastrointestinal diseases, n (%) 95 (15.18) 70 (16.17) 12 (13.48) .791
 Connective tissue diseases, n (%) 18 (2.88) 13 (3.00) 0 (0.00) 0.260
 Anemia, n (%) 28 (4.47) 21 (4.85) 5 (5.62) 0.878
 Coagulation disorders, n (%) 22 (3.51) 18 (4.16) 1 (1.12) 0.371
 Neurological disorders, n (%) 71 (11.34) 58 (13.39) 8 (8.99) 0.402
 Surgery or radiotherapy, n (%) 45 (7.19) 39 (9.01) 8 (8.99) 0.529
 Cancer, n (%) 63 (10.06) 39 (9.01) 6 (6.74) 0.565
Coexisting active illnesses, n (%) 121 (19.30) 116 (26.79) 22 (24.72) 0.014*
 Infection, n (%) 35 (5.58) 38 (8.78) 4 (4.49) 0.085
  Pneumonia, n (%) 20 (3.19) 17 (3.93) 1 (1.12) 0.392
  Urinary tract infection, n (%) 7 (1.12) 6 (1.39) 1 (1.12) 0.922
  Upper respiratory tract infection, n (%) 0 (0.00) 2 (0.46) 1 (1.12) 0.088
  Other infection, n (%) 7 (1.12) 16 (3.70) 2 (2.25) 0.018
 Heart failure, n (%) 10 (1.59) 8 (1.85) 1 (1.12) 0.875
 Other active illnesses, n (%) 105 (16.75) 99 (22.86) 20 (22.47) 0.036
Post-vaccine AKI causes        
 Volume depletion, n (%) 214 (34.13) 178 (41.11) 43 (48.31) 0.008*
  Nausea and vomiting, n (%) 101 (16.11) 89 (20.55) 21 (23.60) 0.077
  Diarrhea, n (%) 57 (9.09) 45 (10.39) 9 (10.11) 0.771
  Fever, n (%) 138 (22.01) 123 (28.41) 32 (35.96) 0.004*
  Decreased appetite, n (%) 21 (3.35) 11 (2.54) 3 (3.37) 0.740
Sepsis, n (%) 70 (11.16) 54 (12.47) 9 (10.11) 0.730
 Acute tubular necrosis, n (%) 5 (0.80) 5 (1.15) 2 (2.25) 0.435
 Acute interstitial nephritis, n (%) 0 (0.00) 2 (0.46) 0 (0.00) 0.291
 Glomerular nephritis, n (%) 10 (1.59) 10 (2.31) 2 (2.25) 0.686
 Nephrotic syndrome, n (%) 1 (0.16) 0 (0.00) 1 (1.12) 0.149
 Thrombotic microangiopathy, n (%) 22 (3.51) 21 (4.85) 10 (11.24) 0.005*
 Pulmonary embolism, n (%) 17 (2.71) 14 (3.23) 3 (3.37) 0.861
Time to AKI onset, days 14.11 ± 19.99 10.61 ± 16.55 11.32 ± 13.03 0.008*
Clinic visit, n (%) 121 (19.30) 93 (21.48) 21 (23.60) 0.513
ER visit, n (%) 347 (55.34) 235 (54.27) 42 (47.19) 0.352
Hospitalization, n (%) 457 (72.89) 295 (68.13) 68 (76.40) 0.133
Length of stay, days 3.68 ± 5.97 3.54 ± 5.18 4.72 ± 7.15 0.305
Dialysis initiated, n (%) 41 (6.54) 46 (10.62) 13 (14.61) 0.008*
Death, n (%) 124 (19.78) 77 (17.78) 11 (12.36) 0.217
AKI onset to death, days 8.57 ± 15.16 9.50 ± 15.63 9.00 ± 11.57 0.915

COVID-19: coronavirus disease 19; AKI: acute kidney injury; VARES: vaccine adverse event reporting system; ER: emergency room.