Extended Data Fig. 2. BRM prevents acquisition of neural fate after pre-cardiac mesoderm formation.
a-d, Single cell RNAseq data from D4, D6 and D10 of cardiac differentiation projected on UMAP space showing PAGA connectivity lines projected for WT (a) or Brm−/− (b), gene expression feature plots (c) and dot plots of quantitative bulk changes in gene expression between WT and Brm−/− cells at D4, D6 and D10 stages of differentiation for early developmental, cardiac mesoderm, cardiac precursors, cardiac myocytes, genes enriched in Brm−/− cells, and a select set of genes involved in neuroectoderm development (d). e, Feature plots of developmental trajectory analysis using URD for selected cardiac and neural genes. f-g, Pluripotency is unaffected in BRM KO cells. f, Immunostaining of WT and Brm−/− ES cells with indicated pluripotency markers. Scale bars are 2μM, magnification 63x. g, Single cell RNAseq of WT and Brm−/− cells in ESCs cluster together. h, Integration of single cell RNAseq data from D0 ESCs with D4, D6 and D10 scRNAseq datasets.