Factor structure of MLQ-5X.
Leadership style | Variables | Definition |
Transformational leadership | (a) Idealised influence (Attributed) four items | Influence that the leader exerts on their followers promoting respect, trust, and admiration through the charisma that makes the leader perceived as safe and powerful |
(b) Idealised influence (Behaviour): four items | Actions carried out by the leader that focus on values, beliefs, and a sense of mission, which promote a high sense of self- identification with the leader (e.g., decision-making and considering moral and ethical aspects) | |
(c) Inspirational motivation: four items | Leader’s ability to motivate their team members, provide meaning to their work and formulate an optimistic and attractive vision of the future (e.g., expressing confidence that the objectives will be achieved) | |
(d) Intellectual stimulation: four items | Leader encourages team members to be innovative, creative, and seek the solution to problems for themselves. That is, they encourage personal autonomy, and value and trust their followers to solve problems (e.g., they ask for opinions of others) | |
(e) Individualised consideration: four items | Willingness of the leader to know the aspirations, interests, and objectives of each of the subordinates, as well as promoting their achievement and individual growth (e.g., spending time getting to know people in the work team) | |
Transactional leadership | (f) Contingent reward: four items | Recognition and reinforcement from the leader for each employee when they meet the objectives. |
(g) Management-by-exception (Active): four items | Leaders who focus on correcting employee failures and deviations to ensure achievement of objectives. | |
Passive-avoidant leadership | (h) Management-by-exception (Passive): four items | Conservative leader who delays any decision-making that involves a change. The leader only intervenes when the seriousness of the problem is very evident. |
(i) Laissez-faire: four items | Total avoidance when dealing with important problems or decisions. | |
Organisational results | ||
(a) Extra-effort: three items | The leader encourages greater participation from subordinates, who, in turn, are willing to work harder to achieve the objectives proposed by the group. | |
(b) Effectiveness: three items | The leader is capable of optimising both material and human resources, achieving optimal results at low cost. | |
(c) Satisfaction: three items | The actions of the leader generate gratification and cohesion in the group, which encourages the correct development of tasks. |