Figure 2.
Agent-based model schematics
(A) Representative figure of the model. A susceptible agent (S) becomes exposed (E) with probability P, see Equation (1). The probability P depends on the infection rate . A Vaccinated agent shows higher resistance to infection by decreasing the infection rate: where and stands for first/second dose, respectively. Then, after time τ (which is chosen from distribution) the exposed become infected (I). Finally the agent recovers (R) with probability , or passes away (M).
(B) For representative reasons we show a simplification of contact networks (blue circles represent healthy individuals, red circles depict infected individuals, while the central black circle represents the th agent we refer to) in the absence (left) or in the presence (right) of NPIs. In the latter case, the main difference is the reduction of contacts which corresponds to the reduction of the k parameter (mean connectivity degree) in the small-world structure.