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. 2022 Jun 15. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.06.011


Joint Top Features Between the pos+ vs neg+ (Symptomatic COVID-19 Positive vs Symptomatic COVID-19 Negative) and the pos vs neg (Asymptomatic COVID-19 Positive vs Asymptomatic COVID-19 Negative) Differentiation Tasks Listed According to Their Mean Ranks Rounded to Integers.

Mean rank Feature
17 Flatness (Δ spectral energy 250–650 Hz)
19 Flatness (spectral energy 250–650 Hz)
27 Flatness (RMS energy)
33 Flatness (spectral flux)
149 Mean inter-peak distance (RMS energy)
194 Quartile 3 (HNR)
195 IQR 1–3 (HNR)
196 IQR 2–3 (HNR)
202 Mean inter-peak distance (loudness)
291 Mean inter-peak distance (spectral flux)
410 Skewness (Δ RASTA-filtered auditory spectral band 12)
635 Mean value of peaks (RMS energy)
725 Mean inter-peak distance (spectral harmonicity)
786 Mean value of peaks (loudness)

HNR, harmonics-to-noise ratio; IQR, interquartile range; RASTA, relative spectral transform; RMS, root mean square; Δ= first-order derivative.