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. 2022 Jun 14;13:3412. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31058-0

Fig. 3. Measuring ground state energies at spontaneous SUSY breaking point.

Fig. 3

a, b Phonon number distribution of the ground states |ψ+〉 and |ψ〉, respectively, by fitting the time evolution under a blue-sideband driving as shown in the inset. The estimated average phonon numbers are n¯+=0.47±0.19 and n¯=0.42±0.21, respectively. c Measuring σx(a+a) by fitting the spin-up state population under a spin-dependent force. The dynamics can be fitted by an analytic formula (solid curves, see Methods) and then the slope at t = 0 can be extracted as (−25.5 ± 1.9) kHz and (−32.3 ± 1.8) kHz for |ψ+〉 and |ψ〉, respectively. Each data point is averaged over N = 200 experimental shots. Error bars represent one standard deviation. Combining the two results, we measure the average energy of the two ground states as E+ = 2π × (7.3 ± 1.9) kHz and E− = 2π × (5.2 ± 2.1) kHz with the ideal value E0 = ω/2 = 2π × 5 kHz. The two levels are degenerate within about one standard deviation.