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. 2022 Jun 1;10:864506. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.864506

Table 1.

HoC analysis – COVID-19 RMMs implemented by the logistics companies for delivery workers.

HoC/Measures Food 1 Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Large 1 Large 2
1. Elimination: Physically remove risk of workplace infection
None practical
2. Substitution: Replace work procedures that create work contact with ones that do not
Contact-free delivery + + + + +
3. Engineering Controls: Isolate workers from work contact
Establish exclusion zones +
Extra car hiring Discussed but not adopted + March-June 2020a
Install physical barriers + + + +
Re-layout workplace + + + +
Restricted or discontinued services + Temporarily suspended customer collection + Temporarily suspended customer collection + Installation service suspended March-May 2020 + RoCb suspended March-May 2020; Initially failed deliveries if customers reported symptomatic or self-isolating
Ventilation in buildings Believed lack of airflow in winter was a cause of outbreaks Deemed sufficient Deemed sufficient + Open windows
4. Administrative controls: Change the way of working to reduce work contact
Pairs and bubbles (staff cohorts) + + + +
Social distancing + + + +
Self-isolation (if symptomatic, tested positive or close contact) + + + + +
Staggered working + + +
Ventilation in shared vehicles + Open windows + Instructed windows 1/3 down and recirculation turned off
Hygiene measures + + + + +
Information Instruction & Training (IIT) + + + + +
Working with industry and authorities + + + + +
Mental health support + + +
Compliance behavior monitoring + + + + +
Workplace contact tracing + + + +
Workplace infection monitoring + + + +
Workplace testing + Deployed 3rd party testing at sites had outbreaks Had concerns about regular workplace LFDc testing Had concerns about regular workplace LFD testing Some sites used LFD for warehouse staff
Disciplinary action + +
5. Personal protection: Protect workers with certain equipment, depending on expert risk assessmentd
Face coverings + + + + +
Gloves + + +

“+” indicates the measure was reported as implemented. This table is not a complete list of RMMs implemented by the companies. When some of the measures were not ticked by certain companies, it meant that this measure was neither applicable to the company's situation nor discussed during the interviews.


Time period was estimated by the interviewers during analysis.


RoC: room of choice.


Lateral Flow Device.


Neither face coverings nor normal gloves were considered PPE. They were issued to prevent transmission rather than protecting workers from getting infected.