Figure 4.
Subpopulations of human dNK cells in early pregnancy and their differences in surface receptor expression profiles. Single-cell sequencing showed that dNK cells in early pregnancy were divided into three subpopulations, including dNK1, dNK2, and dNK3. dNK1 cells are CD56bright CD49ahigh KIRhigh NKG2Ahigh LILRRB1high CD39high phenotype, about 55% of total dNK cells. dNK2 cells are CD56bright CD49a+ KIRlow NKG2Ahigh LILRRB- CD103- phenotype, about 15% of total dNK cells. dNK3 cells are CD49a+ CD69high CD103high CD161high KIRlow NKG2Alow NKP44+ NKG2Dhigh phenotype, about 15% of total dNK cells. Additionally, three dNK types have different degranulation capacity and IFN-γ secretion capacities in response to nonspecific stimulation. Pregnancy-trained memory NK cells (PTdNK) are found in the decidua of multiple pregnancies, like dNK1, with CD56bright KIRhigh NKG2Ahigh LILRRB1high NKG2Chigh phenotype. In the presence of IL-15, the interaction of NKG2C with HLA-E and LILRB1 with HLA-G induced increased amounts of IFN-γ and VEGFa secreted by PTdNK. And IFNG and VEGFA were found to have increased accessibility in PTdNK cells by ATAC-seq analysis.