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. 2022 Apr 21;121(10):1823–1855. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2022.04.019

Table 2.

Symbols and meaning for occurring model parameters

Part Symbol Unit Initial guess value Source Meaning
Actin filament act [μm] 1.1 (91) length of actin (half) filament
ract [nm] 5.5 (92) radius of actin filament
ϱact [nm] 5.5 (91) repetition of active sites
ϱTnC [nm] 37.5 (91) repetition of TnC terminals
nTnC [ ] 4act/ϱTnC=117 number of TnC terminals per half-sarcomere primitive (two actin filaments and two tropomyosin helices)
nact [ ] 7 ⋅ nTnC≈820 number of active sites per half-sarcomere primitive
Myosin filament mbb [μm] 0.8 (91) length of half-myosin filament (backbone)
mbz [μm] 0.1mbb=0.08 (91) half-myosin bare zone width
rmbb [nm] 7.5 (19) inner myosin backbone (rod) radius
RZS1 [nm] 13 (60) charge location on myosin head
ϱS1 [nm] 14.3 (91) repetition of myosin crowns (each three double-heads)
nS1 [ ] 3(mbbmbz)/ϱS1150 number of myosin double-heads per half-sarcomere
χact,mbb [ ] 2:1 ratio actin to myosin filaments
ncb,max [ ] 1/ςnM100 (93,94) maximum number of possible cross-bridges
ς [ ] 1.8 (93,94) reciprocal of ratio of maximally formed cross-bridges
F˜false [ ] 0.1 (95), Table 1 ratio of force between false and proper cross-bridges
Hill equation c˜ [ ] state [0 … 1] relative concentration of calcium ions
ν [ ] 2.5 (96) Hill exponent
Kc˜ [ ] 1/40 (96) Hill coefficient
Half-sarcomere geometry (all values here for hexagonal lattice) hs [μm] state [0.4 … 2.2] half-sarcomere length
hs,ref [μm] act=1.1 half-sarcomere reference length
κ10 [ ] 2/3 lattice constant
d10(hs) [nm] 2/3d10,ref2hs,ref/hs (50) lattice spacing as function of hs
d10,ref [nm] 37 (51), Table 1 lattice spacing at hs,ref
dact,act(hs) [nm] 23d10hs (center) distance actin-to-actin filament
dact,mbb(hs) [nm] dact,act(hs) (center) distance actin-to-myosin backbone
dmbb,mbb(hs) [nm] κ10d10(hs) (center) distance myosin-to-myosin backbone
dˆact,mbb(hs) [nm] dact,mbb(hs)ractrmbb surface distance actin-to-myosin backbone
CSAhsp(hs) [μm2] dmbb,mbb(hs)d10(hs) cross-sectional area of half-sarcomere primitive
CSAhsp,ref [μm2] κ10d10,ref2=1.6103 reference cross-sectional area of half-sarcomere primitive
Vhsp(hs) [μm3] CSAsp(hs)hs=Vhsp,ref constant half-sarcomere primitive volume
Vhsp,ref [μm3] CSAsp,refhs,ref=1.7103 half-sarcomere primitive reference volume
Electrostatics, Debye-Hückel theory T [K] 280 … 310 temperature of 7 … 37°C
kB [N ⋅ m ⋅ K−1] 1.381 ⋅ 10−23 Boltzmann constant
e0 [C] 1.602 ⋅ 10−19 elementary charge
Zi [ ] integer charge number (valence) of ion i
Zact,Zmbb,ZS1 [ ] integer charges on actin/myosin backbone and the head (S1)
qi [C] |Zi|e0 absolute electric charge of ion i
ci [mol/L] solution-dependent molar concentration of ion i
I [mol/L] 12i=1nciZi20.17 (97) ionic strength of a solution with n sorts of ions
NA [mol−1] 6.02214 ⋅ 1023 Avogadro constant
λ [nm] ϵ0ϵrkBT2103NAe02I (19,98) Debye length in electrolyte solution
ϵ0 [C2 · N−1 · m−2] 8.854 ⋅ 10−12 vacuum permittivity
ϵr [ ] ≈80 for water (99) dielectric constant (relative permittivity) of the solvent
K0(x),K1(x) [ ] function modified Bessel functions of second kind
ΦDHcyl(d) [J] qiqjλK0(d/λ)2πRccϵ0ϵrK1(Rc/λ) (100,101) Debye-Hückel potential energy of cylindrical ion i of radius Rc and length c, attracting charge qj
FDHcyl(d) [N] qiqjK1(d/λ)2πRccϵ0ϵrK1(Rc/λ) Debye-Hückel force of cylindrical ions

Which of these are optimizer-fitted parameters is given in Table 3. Activation c˜ and half-sarcomere length hs are state variables. T was set to the temperature at which the experiment was performed. The other entries are either physical constants or auxiliary values/functions.