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. 2022 Mar 10;60(6):e02196-21. doi: 10.1128/jcm.02196-21


Summary of strengths and limitations of strategies used in detection of pathogen and host response

Detection strategy Strengths Limitations
Detection of pathogen
 Culture-based techniques Mainstay of pathogen detection in orthopedic infection
Increased yield with inoculation of synovial fluid, periprosthetic tissue, and sonicate fluid samples into blood culture bottles
Allows for antimicrobial susceptibility profiling of identified organisms
Widely available
In setting of PJI, multiple samples required due to low sensitivity of single sample as well as difficulty distinguishing contaminants from true pathogens
Yield diminished by presampling antibiotic administration
Prolonged incubation required for detection of fastidious organisms
 PCR Facilitates rapid pathogen detection
Useful in culture-negative cases where there may have been presampling antibiotic administration
Can be used to detect antimicrobial resistance genes
Use of multiplex diagnostic panels will miss atypical pathogens
 Shotgun metagenomics Agnostic pathogen detection
Can provide additional information for strain identification, surveillance data, and prediction of antimicrobial resistance
Significant cost
Complex associated workflow
Technique susceptible to bacterial contamination at multiple steps during processing
Detection of host response
 Serum biomarkers Inexpensive
Widely available
Lack specificity in diagnosis of orthopedic infection
 Synovial fluid cell count and differential Quantitative assessment of joint inflammation useful in both native and prosthetic joint infection Difficult to interpret in setting of inflammatory arthropathies
Varies depending on presence of prosthesis, duration of symptoms/time postimplantation/joint involved
 Synovial fluid biomarkers Alpha defensin available as both a lateral flow test (result available within minutes) and an ELISA
Alpha defensin higher reported sensitivity compared with CRP, IL-6, and leukocyte esterase
Utility of leukocyte esterase test affected by presence red cells
Lateral flow alpha defensin lower sensitivity compared to ELISA
 Histology Can confirm presence inflammation and give further information regarding potential etiology
Intraoperative frozen section can aid real-time decision-making regarding surgical approach in setting of revision of prosthetic implants
Sensitivity not high enough to use as a stand-alone “rule out test” for infection
 Radiology Useful in evaluation of noninfective causes of symptoms
Can provide supportive evidence for infection
May guide invasive diagnostic sampling
Findings often nonspecific