A. Comparison of TRA-2B:HA expression in the distal region (typical of gonad as a whole) of otherwise wild-type nm75 gonads (“WT”) and in fog-2(q71) mutants. Confocal micrographs of L4 larvae and young adults are shown for each, along with non-tagged N2 as a negative control (far left). The arrowheads indicate staining of the distal tip cell nucleus. Bright punctae in the fog-2(q71) adult sample (far right) were not consistently associated with a particular genotype from experiment to experiment. B. Differential interference contrast (top) and epifluorescence (bottom) micrographs of the oma-1:GFP reporter teIs1 in live, anaesthetized wild-type (left) or fog-2(q71) homozygotes (right). GFP fluorescence is abundant in mature oocytes (mo), but lacking in both cases in the distal germline region (d, dashed line) where GLD-1 is expressed (Jones et al., 1996). Scale bar = 100 μm. C. Confocal micrographs of dissected gonads of tra-2(nm75) animals either heterozygous (left) or homozygous (right) for the gld-1(q485) null mutation, stained for TRA-2B:HA and imaged under identical conditions in the same session. Each image represents maximum intensity projections of 12–14 μm, or about half the depth of each gonad. As in Fig. 4 and panel 5A above, arrowheads, arrows, and wedges indicate the HA-positive distal tips cell, sheath cells, and gut nuclei, respectively; sheath cell nuclei in gld-1(q485) gonad are not visible in this focal plane. The far right column is an enlarged version of the region boxed in the tumorous q485 gonad, a single focal plane with the red channel pixel intensity rescaled uniformly to highlight nuclear accumulation in a subset of pachytene nuclei (dashed circles). The scale bars in the left and middle columns are 100 μm, and 20 μm in the right column.