Extended Data Table 3.
OLS coefficients. Huber-White robust standard errors in parentheses. Randomization inference Z-test (two-sided) p-values in square brackets (ritest command in Stata). The dependent variable in all columns is an indicator for vaccination uptake, equal to 1 if the respondent reported having obtained at least one dose of a vaccine against Covid-19. Panel A uses the full sample. Panel B uses a sample of respondents participating in all 11 waves. Columns report results for each wave separately (wave 1 in Column 1 to wave 11 in Column 11). In all columns we use the pre-registered set of controls. Estimated coefficients from a double-selection LASSO linear regression (dsregress command in Stata 17) selecting from a set of covariates in Extended Data Table 1 are reported in the bottom parts of each panel. T-test (two-sided) p-values reported as *p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01. No adjustments for multiple comparisons.