Fig. 3. Copy number changes by subtype.
Copy number alteration (CNA) and whole-genome doubling events (WGD) compared across subtypes. A Individual sample CNA across the genome for each subtype. WGD, fraction genome altered (FGA), and purity are shown at right. B Aggregate arm-level (left) and gene-level events (right) grouped by subtype. *significant change based on Bonferroni corrected p-values. Significance was evaluated by random permutations testing. Oncogenic (bold) vs. non-oncogenic CNA classifications according to OncoKB. C Frequency of WGD by subtype (green) compared to other cancers with ≥200 samples available for comparison (gray)13. NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; ST, soft tissue. D, Overall survival based on WGD status within primary and metastatic samples. p.adj, adjusted p-value.