Plots show the model estimate for a 25 year old (in red) and a 65 year old (in blue) for each time bin (T1-T10), along with the confidence interval for each estimate (note that age was a continuous linear predictor in the analyses, and these two ages were chosen purely for visualization purposes). Older age was associated with higher positive affect and lower negative affect, depression, and stress. This effect was largely consistent across time bins and the Age x Time Bin interaction was not significant. Age differences in the worry composite were reduced over time, while older adults maintained greater worry about their personal health. There were no age differences in subjective social isolation. The possible range of scores for each scale was as follows: Positive affect: 10–50; Negative affect; 10–50; Depression: 0–24; Stress: 0–6; Worry Health: 0–6; Worry Composite: 0–24; Social Isolation: 0–6.