Possible combinations of fluorescent proteins, dyes, and fluorophore conjugations for antibodies
(A) Combinations used in our T. brucei -host interactions research. Hoechst, with an emission max. of 461 nm, was used to label nucleic acids from host and parasites. FITC-Dextran, with an emission max. of 518 nm was used to label the intra- and extravascular compartments of the host and provide contrast to visualize cells in all compartments. CFDA-SE, and DDAO-SE with an emission max. of 517 nm and 635 nm respectively, were used to label exogenous RBCs and use them as markers across the infected host vasculature. TdTomato with an emission max. of 581 nm was used as the fluorescent reporter for T. brucei. Most fluorescently conjugated antibodies to identify vascular endothelium receptors (i.e., ICAM1, ICAM2, VCAM1, CD36 and PECAM1) used the fluorophore AF647 with emission max. of 671 nm.
(B) Several other combinations of fluorescent proteins, fluorescent dyes and fluorophores for antibody conjugation are possible. Created with BioRender.com.