Table 1.
Possible mechanisms of general aging
Risk Factors | Possible mechanisms | References |
Genomic alterations | Genetic errors accumulate over time which ultimately leads to cellular apoptosis/senescence, limited stem cell renewal, and altered cytokine secretion. | 12–15 |
Telomere shortening | Progressive telomere shortening occurs with cellular division which leads to decreased cellular proliferation, function, and possibly lifespan. | 16–20 |
Altered epigenetic modification | Epigenetic modifications alter gene expression and cellular function in an age-dependent manner and alter cellular function over time. | 21–26 |
Loss of proteostasis | Protein misfolding and decreased activity of proteolytic and autophagy systems leads to an accumulation of dysfunctional proteins altering cellular metabolism. | 27–33 |
Deregulated nutrient sensing | Caloric restriction increases lifespan via activation of nutrient “sensing” molecules like sirtuins and modify the Insulin/IGF-1/mTor signaling pathway. | 34–42 |
Mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS | Mitochondrial dysfunction increases reactive oxygen species that damage nucleic acids and oxidize fatty acids/proteins leading to genetic alterations and cellular dysfunction. | 43–46 |
Cellular senescence | Aged cells no longer replicate and adopt a “senesence-associated secretory phenotype” that promotes inflammation and aging. | 47–54 |
Stem cell exhaustion | Stem cell levels decrease with age, reducing the repair and regenerative capacity of tissues over the lifespan. | 55–57 |
Inflammation and altered intercellular communication | Changes in cellular communication and inflammatory mediators lead to tissue dysfunction via multiple pathways including DNA damage, ROS, protein dysfunction, and altered autophagy. | 58–61 |
Abnormal crosslinking | Abnormal intra- and inter-molecular bonding leads to altered transcription, translation and tissue properties. | 62–66 |