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. 2022 May 27;12:814895. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.814895

Table 7.

Systematic review of literature for diagnostic accuracy of imaging-based ENE versus pathological ENE as gold standard and its clinical implication.

Authors HNSCC sub site and sample size Number of (rENE+) and (pENE+) Factors considered for rENE Accuracy of rENE with gold standard as pENE [sensitivity/specificity (%)] Inference/Clinical Application
Url et al. (11) HNSCC (49) (Examiner 1: 15 and Examiner 2: 16)* (17) a) Apparent fat and soft tissue infiltration
b) Infiltration of muscle, carotid sheath
Examiner 1: 73/91 and
Examiner 2:
High specificity
Prabhu et al. (19) HNSCC (432) (46), (87) a) Irregular borders and/or perinodal fat stranding
b) Invasion of adjacent structures
High specificity
Aiken et al. (20) OSCC (111) (29), (28) a) Irregular borders and/or perinodal fat stranding
b) Invasion of adjacent structures
68/88 High specificity
Central necrosis is best criteria
Maxwell et al. (21) HPV+ OPC (65) (19), (38) a) Nodal capsular contour irregularity
b) Poorly defined nodal margins
c) Loss of intervening fat planes
d) Invasion of adjacent structures
55–77/70–85 Not reliable in HPV+ cases
Carlton et al. (17) HNSCC (93) (Examiner 1: 32 and Examiner 2: 37) *,
a) Indistinct nodal margin
b) Infiltration into adjacent tissue
c) Irregular nodal enhancement
d) Matted nodes
e) Central necrosis
Examiner 1: 57/81;
Examiner 2:
Moderate specificity
Almulla et al. (10) OSCC (483) (55), (114) a) Ill-defined Lymph node borders
b) Matted nodes
52/96 High specificity
Noor et al. (18) HPV + OPC (80) (Likely ECS: 15 & 14; Definitely ECS 11 & 14)* a) Assessing internal characteristics
b) Capsule contour
c) Perinodal fat stranding
d) Invasion into surrounding structures
Examiner 1: 56.5/73.3;
Examiner 2:
High specificity
Faraji et al. (22) HPV+ OPC (73) (NA), (32) a) Indistinct capsular contours
b) Irregular nodal margins
c) Perinodal fat stranding
d) Perinodal fat planes
e) Nodal necrosis
f) Intranodal cysts
g) Nodal matting
Irregular nodal margins:
45/ 94
absence of perinodal fat plane:
87/ 50
Presence of irregular
nodal margins and absence of perinodal fat plane were the most specific and sensitive features, respectively.
Moon et al. (7) HNSCC (117) (30), (NA) Enhancement, thickening, and irregularity of nodal rim;
blurred border and/or infiltration mahajan of the adjacent fat or
other soft tissue planes; and infiltration of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, internal jugular vein, or carotid artery
NA Pretreatment rENE is not only associated with CCRT response but also act as independent prognostic factor for survival in patients with HNSCC treated with CCRT.
Kang-Hosing Fan et al. (13) HPC (355) (171),(NA) Infiltration of adjacent fat/muscles, irregular nodal surface, or
irregular capsular enhancement
NA rENE considered an adverse prognostic marker for survival in patients with HPC treated by primary CCRT and correlates with inferior RFS regardless of N stage.
Mahajan et al. (current study) LAHNSCC (354) (140), (NA) a) Capsular irregularity with fat stranding
b) Capsular irregularity with fat invasion
c) Capsular irregularity with muscle/vessel invasion
NA rENE can be reliably used as an independent prognostic marker for survival in patients with LAHNSCC.

HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; HPV + OPC, HPV-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma; OPC, oropharyngeal carcinoma; OSCC, oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma; HPC, hypopharyngeal cancer; pENE, pathological extranodal extension; NA, not applicable. *Two separate examiners value.