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. 2018 Jul 17;1(2):14–33. doi: 10.3138/canlivj.1.2.002

Table 4:

Treatment statistics (August 2016–August 2017)

Variable No.* (%)
CPC all-oral cohort (n = 51)
Still on therapy 18 (35)
    SOF/VEL 14 (82)
    PRoD + RBV 1 (5)
    ELB/GRAZ 3 (17)
Patients in whom SVR was evaluable (n = 33)
Discontinued therapy 2 (4)
PRoD + RBV 1 (50)
VEL+SOF 1 (50)
Lost to follow-up 3 (6)
    ELB/GRAZ 2 (67)
    PRoD + RBV 1 (33)
Achieved SVR 28 (55)
    ELB/GRAZ 4 (14)
    SOF/LDV 2 (7)
    SOF/VEL 5 (18)
    SOF/VEL/VOX 1 (4)
    G/P 1 (4)
    PRoD + RBV 12 (43)
Other 3 (10)
Relapse 0 (—)
SVR rate (ITT) 28/33 (85)
SVR rate (per protocol) 28/28 (100)
Mean person-days of follow-up in SVR cohort 256 (—)
Confirmed cases of reinfection 0 (—)

* Unless otherwise noted

CPC = Community pop-up clinic; ELB = Elbasvir; G = Gleacaprevir; GRAZ = Grazoprevir; ITT = Intention to treat; LDV = Ledispavir; P = Pibrentasvir; PRoD = Paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir + dasabuvir; RBV = Ribavirin; SOF = Sofosbuvir; SVR = Sustained virologic response; VEL = Velpatisvir; Vox = Voxelaprevir