(a) A genomic map of prophage WOMelB from the D. melanogaster wMel Wolbachia strain highlights phage WO core genes in blue and EAM genes in gray. Genes are illustrated as arrows, and direction correlates with forward/reverse strand. The phage WO core consists of recombinase (green), connector/baseplate (royal blue), head (purple), replication and repair (light blue), tail fiber (light pink), tail (salmon), and lysis (brown). The WOMelB EAM encodes cifA and cifB (pink), WO-PC2 containing HTH_XRE transcriptional regulators (lavender), and a conserved set of genes termed the Undecim Cluster (black). (b) At least one phage WO core gene (teal) is associated with all sequenced arthropod-Wolbachia Supergroups and Supergroup F, which infects both arthropods (blue) and nematodes (purple). The Undecim Cluster (black) is found in the majority of sequenced Supergroup A, B, E, and M Wolbachia genomes, and CI genes (pink) are encoded by the majority of sequenced Supergroup A, B, T, and F genomes. Phage WO elements are absent from all strictly-nematode Wolbachia Supergroups. The number of genomes analyzed is listed in parentheses above each Supergroup. Each bar indicates the % of genomes containing each phage WO element. Source data is provided in S1 Table.