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. 2022 Jun 2;9:802805. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.802805

Table 2.

List of reports on the effects of MCTs on cognitive function [Modified from Avgerinos et al. (84)].

Study Country Study design Number and type of patients Diagnostic criteria for inclusion Study groups (composition of MCTs) Intervention dose Duration of intervention Plasma BHB measurement method Cognitive measure
Canada RCT 52 with MCI Subjective memory complaint, MoCA, MMSE MCTs vs. Placebo
(C8:0 = 60%,
C10:0 = 40%)
30 g/d 6 months Colorimetric assay using an automated clinical chemistry analyzer (Dade Behring Inc., Newark, US) MMSE, MoCA, trail making test, Stroop test, verbal fluency, digit symbol substitute ion, Boston naming test
Ota Part A
Japan RCT 20 with mild/moderate AD NINCDS-ADRDA MCTs vs. Placebo
(C8:0 = 30.3%,
C10:0 = 9.8%,
C12:0 = NR)
20 g/d 2 days Enzymatic method (SRL Corp., Tokyo, Japan) WAIS III, WMS-R, Stroop test, trail making test
Malaysia RCT 41 with mild/moderate/severe AD MMSE Coconut oil vs. Placebo (NR) 60 ml/d 6 months NA MMSE, clock drawing test
USA RCT 6 with MCI National Institute on Aging MCTs vs. Placebo (NR) 56 g/d 6 months NR ADAS-Cog, trail making test digit symbol test
Spain RCT 44 with AD Institutionalized AD patients (unclear diagnostic criteria) Coconut oil vs. placebo (NR) 40 ml/d 3 weeks NA MMSE (Spanish version)
USA RCT 152 with mild/moderate AD NINCDS-ADRDA and DSM-IV criterial MCTs vs. Placebo
(C8:0 = 100%)
20 g/d 3 months BHB Liquicolor diagnostic kit (Stanbio Laboratory, L.P., Boerne, US) MMSE, ADAS-Cog
USA RCT 20 with probable AD or amnestic MCI NINCDS-ADRDA criteria MCTs vs. Placebo
(C8:0 = 100%)
40 ml/d 2 days Enzymatically, using procedure 310-UV (Sigma Diagnostics Inc., Livonia, US) MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Stroop test, paragraph recall
Ota Part B
Japan 1 arm trial 19 with mild/moderate AD NINCDS-ADRDA criteria MCTs
(C8:0 = 30.3%,
C10:0 = 9.8%,
C12:0 = NR)
20 g/d 3 months Enzymatic method (SRL Corp., Tokyo, Japan) WAIS III, WMS-R, Stroop test, trail making test
USA 1 arm trial 10 with very mild/mild/moderate AD National Institute on Aging MCTs + low carb/ high fat diet (NR) 22.5–45 ml/d 3 months NR MMSE ADAS-cog
Japan 1 arm trial 20 with moderate/severe AD NINCDS-ADRDA MCTs (NR) 20 g/d 3 months ELISA (KAINOS Laboratories Inc., Tokyo, Japan). MMSE, ADAS-cog
USA Case report 55 with probable mild/moderate AD MMSE MCTs (C8:0 = 100%) 20 g/d 18.8 ± 9.2 months NA MMSE
USA Case report Young onset sporadic AD Clinical diagnosis, MMSE scores, MRI, APOE4 carriage MCTs + coconut oil (NR) 165 ml/d 2.5 months Precision Xtra Glucose and Ketone Monitoring System (Abbott Laboratories., Chicago, US) MMSE, ADAS-cog
USA Case report Probable AD MMSE, MoCA, FDG PET MCTs
(C8:0 = 100%)
20 g/d ~3 months NA MMSE, MoCA

AD, Alzheimer's Disease; ADAS-Cog, Alzheimer's Dis. Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale; BHB, beta-hydroxybutyrate; CONTAB, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; C-SSRS, Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale; C8, octanoic acid; C10, decanoic acid; FDG PET, fluorodeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography; MCI, Mild Cognitive Impairment; MCTs, Medium Chain Triglycerides; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale; NA, Not Applicable; NINCDS-ADRDA, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disease and Stroke and the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorder Association; NM scale, Nishimura geriatric rating scale; NR, Not Reported; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised.