(A) Cannula and Gradient-Index (GRIN) lens implantation targeting the OT in Drd1-Cre and Adora2A-Cre mice with AAV9-Syn-FLEX-GCaMP7s virus injection in the OT. (B) Odor-outcome task structure, odors 1–2 are paired with aversive airpuffs and odors 4–5 are paired with rewarding water drops in headfixed water restricted mice. Odor-outcome assignments are counterbalanced across mice. (C) Number of anticipatory licks in an example mouse in a 1 s period after odor onset and prior to water or airpuff delivery. Each training day has 30 trials of each of the five odors. (D) Mean number of anticipatory licks across 4 days of training in implanted Drd1-Cre mice (n=6, solid) and Adora2A-Cre mice (n=6, dashed). (E) Field of view of GCaMP7s expressing neurons in a Drd1-Cre mouse. (F) Example imaged neuron with activity in individual odor 5 trials in a single session. Dashed lines indicate odor onset and water onset. (G) Neuronal activity in field of view of a Drd1-Cre mouse in big airpuff and big water drop trials across days of training. Small gray dots indicate non-significantly responsive neurons. Day 0 indicates pre-training day in which no odors are presented, only water drops and airpuffs. Activity is shown in the 1 s period prior to outcome delivery, after odor onset in days 1 and 4.