Figure 4. A hierarchy of activity timescales during evidence accumulation.
(A) Top: Example widefield imaging field of view showing GCaMP6f fluorescence across the dorsal cortex. Bottom: Approximate correspondence between the field of view and regions of interest (ROIs) defined from the Allen Brain Atlas, ccv3. (B) Distribution of cross-validated accuracies across mice (n=6, sessions for each mouse are averaged) and ROIs (n=7, averaged across hemispheres). (C) Example of actual ∆F/F (gray) and model predictions (colored lines) for the first 5 s of the same held-out single trial, and four simultaneously imaged ROIs. Traces are convolved with a 1-SD Gaussian kernel for display only. (D) Auto-regressive model coefficients as a function of time lags for an example imaging session and four example ROIs. Gray, coefficient values. Colored lines, best fitting exponential decay functions. (E) Distribution of R2 values for the exponential fits across mice (n=6, sessions for each mouse are averaged) and ROIs (n=7, averaged across hemispheres). (F) Exponential decay functions for all seven cortical areas, fitted to the average across mice (n=6). (G) Median time constants extracted from the exponential decay fits, for each area. Error bars, interquartile range across mice (n=6). p-value is from a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures with ROIs as factors. Light gray circles indicate data from individual mice.