Figure 1.
RAxML-NG amino acid tree hypothesis of all extant branchiopod orders based on the BUSCO-matrix of 823 single-copy orthologous genes, merged into 319 partitions. Bootstrap values of the ML analysis and posterior probability values of the ASTRAL-III analysis are shown on the nodes. Inset above left: simplified topology of the extant Cladoceromorpha (four extant cladoceran orders and Cyclestherida) according to the phylogenomic analysis, showing polyphyly of the predatory orders (Gymnomera) and two new superorders, Oligopoda and Magipoda. Predatory body plans in red, suspension- and deposit-feeding body plans in blue, outgroup taxa in grey. For branch lengths, see original tree (Fig. S4 of the Supplementary material available on Dryad).