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. 2017 May 2;145(10):2081–2094. doi: 10.1017/S095026881700084X

Table 3.

Parameters associated with the maximum concentrations of CTC in the lower 2/3 of small intestines of beef cattle during the 5-day per os treatment

Parameter Definition Distribution Fractional contribution to the variance of maximum CTC concentrations ρ between the variable value and maximum CTC concentration, given variability due to all other variables related to CTC intestinal fate
Inline graphic Rate of CTC abiotic degradation in GI tract and other body parts per hour Beta (0·54, 37·4) A: 7%
B: 9%
A: −0·30, P-value ⩽ 0·01
B: −0·34, P-value ⩽ 0·01
Inline graphic Fraction of CTC excreted in bile Uniform (0·39, 0·64) A: 0·08%
B: 0·38%
A: 0·02, P-value = 0·566
B: 0·04, P-value = 0·159
Inline graphic Fraction of CTC adsorbed to the digesta or microbiome in the lower 2/3 of small intestine Uniform (0·69, 0·89) A: 21%
B: 14%
A: −0·54, P-value ⩽ 0·01
B: −0·43, P-value ⩽ 0·01
Vrest_si Volume of digesta in the lower 2/3 of small intestine, litre Uniform (4, 23) A: 54%
B: 50%
A: −0·78, P-value ⩽ 0·01
B: −0·77, P-value ⩽ 0·01

The model was simulated 1000 times, assuming the animals consumed: A – grain-based diet, or B – long-form hay-based diet. The model outputs were subjected to the statistical analyses. The maximum CTC concentration was projected at hour 115 since the start of the 5-day treatment. ρ, Spearman correlation coefficient. Because of the scarcity of data for model parameterization, these results should be interpreted as a hypothesis.