Project ID |
Project ID from the NCBI BioProject database. |
Study accession |
Study ID from the NCBI SRA database. |
Experiment ID |
Metagenomic library ID from the NCBI SRA database. |
PubMed ID |
Article’s pubmed ID, if available. |
Project title |
Title of the project. |
Creation date |
Date when the project was created. |
Project description |
Project’s abstract. |
Sample ID |
Sample ID from the NCBI BioSample database. |
Sample site |
Origin of the sample based on the host body site. |
Sex |
Physical sex of the host. |
Age |
Age of the host at the time of sampling. |
Collection date |
Date of sample collection. |
Condition |
The information about the host’s experimental treatments. |
Pheotype |
Phenotype of the host. |
Breed |
Breed of animal. |
Instrument |
Sequencing platform. |
Library strategy |
Strategies for building metagenomic libraries. |
Total size |
Total number of reads present in the library. |
Total bases |
Total number of base pairs present in the library. |
Species |
Animal’s species name. |
Geographic location |
Location (country) where the sample was collected. |
Latitude |
Geographic coordinate of latitude in decimal degrees where the sample was collected. |
Longitude |
Geographic coordinate of longitude in decimal degrees where the sample was collected. |
Study purpose |
To classify the study purpose of the project based on the Animal QTLdb database. The classification of the bioproject type was made as to facilitate project clustering. |