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. 2022 Jun 16;9:312. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01444-w

Table 1.

List of attributes present in the AnimalMetagenome DB.

Attributes Definition
Project ID Project ID from the NCBI BioProject database.
Study accession Study ID from the NCBI SRA database.
Experiment ID Metagenomic library ID from the NCBI SRA database.
PubMed ID Article’s pubmed ID, if available.
Project title Title of the project.
Creation date Date when the project was created.
Project description Project’s abstract.
Sample ID Sample ID from the NCBI BioSample database.
Sample site Origin of the sample based on the host body site.
Sex Physical sex of the host.
Age Age of the host at the time of sampling.
Collection date Date of sample collection.
Condition The information about the host’s experimental treatments.
Pheotype Phenotype of the host.
Breed Breed of animal.
Instrument Sequencing platform.
Library strategy Strategies for building metagenomic libraries.
Total size Total number of reads present in the library.
Total bases Total number of base pairs present in the library.
Species Animal’s species name.
Geographic location Location (country) where the sample was collected.
Latitude Geographic coordinate of latitude in decimal degrees where the sample was collected.
Longitude Geographic coordinate of longitude in decimal degrees where the sample was collected.
Study purpose To classify the study purpose of the project based on the Animal QTLdb database. The classification of the bioproject type was made as to facilitate project clustering.