The ion path of mammalian NaV channels. (A) The pore radii of human NaV1.7 (PDB code: 7XM9) calculated by HOLE. Only two opposing subunits shown for clarity. The constriction sites of selectivity filter (SF) and intracellular activation gate (AG) are highlighted. (B) A close-up view of the SF (top panel) and AG (bottom panel) of human NaV1.7 (PDB code: 7XM9). The SF of NaV1.7 was aligned with the SF of NaVAb (gray, PDB code: 3RVY). The side-chains of key residues in the SF and the AG are depicted in sticks. (C) The TTX binding site in NaV1.7 (PDB code: 6J8I). The TTX-insensitive channel NaV1.5 (PDB code: 6UZ3) shown in gray. (D) Fenestrations of human NaV1.7 (PDB code: 7XM9). Red arrows indicate potential access for lipids or pore-blockers.