Figure 5.
Malnutrition increases proportions of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and bioactive LPS in cecum and mesenteric lymph node. Microbiota composition determined by bacterial 16S rRNA sequencing of cecal contents and MLN samples from 5 control (Con) and 5 malnourished (MN) mice. (A) Alpha diversity for control and MN cecal stool and MLN samples. (B) Beta diversity for control and MN cecal content microbiota. (C) Average proportions of four most common phyla in cecal stool and MLN samples. (D, E) Significant (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test) genus-level differences in microbiota of the cecum (D) and MLN (E) between control and MN mice. Z score indicates level of variance in proportion between Con and MN mice (i.e. values further from 0 indicate greater difference between groups). (F) Total bioactive fecal LPS in contents of cecum and colon of control and MN mice. Determined by HEK-blue TLR4 bioassay. (G) Concentration of bioactive LPS in MLN draining the proximal large intestine of control and MN mice. Determined by HEK-blue TLR4 bioassay. Data are presented as the median with interquartile range. (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001).