Table 2.
A summary of studies integrating HDX-MS and docking to predict Ab-Ag native poses and their performance.
Studies | Docking algorithms | Docked Ag | Docked Ab | Sampling and applying HDX restraints | Model selection | Evaluation |
(27) | ZDOCK (in combination with ZRANK and RDOCK) | crystal structure | crystal structure (Fab) or homology modeled antibody (Fv) using RosettaAntibody protocol | -54000 poses were sampled in ZDOCK -All residues in non-CDR regions (Ab) and in non-epitope peptides (Ag) were blocked during ZDOCK, allowing the pairwise shape complementarity (PSC) scoring function of ZDOCK to penalize docked poses when the blocked residues are in the interface -The initial-stage docking poses were scored and ranked using ZRANK -The top 50 rigid-body docking poses were refined using RDOCK |
-The top 10 poses from RDOCK refinement process were selected for evaluation -The RMSD value of the interface Cα atoms (iRMSD) was calculated by superimposing a docked pose onto the relax co-crystallized antigen-antibody complex. Docking poses with an iRMSD less than or equal to 2.5 Å are considered near-native structures or “hits” with the interface defined as all residues with at least one atom within 10 Å of the binding partner |
-Compared to stand-alone docking, the HDX-MS-derived restraints significantly improved the docking results for one of the three testing Ab-Ag complexes: the number of “hit” poses among top 10 poses generated increased from four to seven, with the iRMSD of the highest-ranking pose being 1.4 Å to the complex crystal structure -Incorporation of HDX-MS data produced more tightly clustered docking poses for all three complexes and did not interfere with the result when the stand-alone docking already did well by itself |
(32) | MOE | crystal structure | models of HDX-predicted antibody peptides were generated with MOE | -HDX-predicted epitope peptides were set as the docking sites | -Five (MOE) to ten (PatchDock and ZDOCK) molecular dynamics-minimized docking poses were selected for evaluation -Optimal poses are those with the highest numbers of energetically favorable contacts (“hit”) between the paratope peptides and the antigen, where a “hit” is regarded when a residue from a predicted epitope peptide located within 4.5 Å of a residue from the antibody peptide |
-For all three software packages, computational docking with HDX-MS data produced more “hit” residues than docking without HDX-MS data. In other words, more ‘hit’ residues were detected for docking at the HDX-specified site compared to randomly selected sites -The crystal structure of the Ab-Ag complex is not available. Thus, it cannot be determined how much the iRMSD to the native structure improved with the incorporation of HDX-MS |
PatchDock | -HDX-predicted epitope peptides were set either as the docking sites or as volume-constraint pharmacophores | |||||
ZDOCK | -HDX non-epitope residues of the antigen were blocked as a scoring penalty | |||||
(11) | MOE | crystal structure | Homology modeled antibody (Fab) using Bioluminate protocol v1.9 and MAESTRO v10.2 | -100,000 starting poses were sampled using MOE -CDR restraints were applied by using an energy penalty to require that all poses contain a minimum number of residue contacts between HDX-predicted paratope peptides and these regions -The poses were further refined and scored using a full-atom potential (AMBER) |
-The top 200 poses were evaluated for surface complementarity based upon AMBER complementarity score (24) and visual inspection of surfaces as implemented in the protein_contact_surfaces script implemented in MOE | -The best docking poses were proposed to be the Ab-Ag interaction model. The HDX-predicted peptides in this model were at the interface and were corroborated by the SASA analysis -No blind docking was done for parallel comparison |
(14) | Rosetta | crystal structure | crystal structure (Fab) | -Restrict docking in Rosetta to HDX-predicted epitope of the antigen and the CDRs region of antibody -The docking poses were filtered by overall energy, binding energy, and satisfaction to HDX constraints -The best 500 models by binding energy underwent the protocol again |
-An ensemble of 25 best-scoring models (by binding energy) that fulfilled HDX constraints were selected | -The best docking poses were proposed to be the Ab-Ag interaction model. Functional assays were performed, and the results endorsed the binding modes of the docked complexes -No blind docking was done for parallel comparison |
(36) | PatchDock | crystal structure | Homology modeled Ab (Fv) using ABodyBuilder Fv prediction | -HDX-predicted epitopes were set as docking sites by adding a scoring parameter to PatchDock -The clustering RMSD was set at 4 Å |
-The top 100 poses were evaluated for CDR inclusion at the interface and agreement to the alanine scan data. Among these, the top two poses were selected | - HDX profile simulation was performed using the ‘calc-HDX’ function of the HDXer tool for the top two docked structures -Comparison between the simulated ΔHDX versus the experimental ΔHDX further validated these poses, displaying a RMSD of deuterium exchange of 0.981 Å and 0.684 Å -No blind docking was done for parallel comparison |