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. 2022 Jun 15;9(1):e001199. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001199

Table 2.

Symptom score outcomes of included studies pre–post completed intervention

Validated scales
Study N* Validated symptom scale Time point pre–post data collected Premean/median† (SD/range) Post mean/median† (SD/range) P value
Baxter et al, 201934 35 ACQ 12 months 2.50 (1.32) 2.05 (1.14) 0.19
ACT 12 months 13.21 (4.73) 14.69 (4.94) 0.28
Haines et al,35 2016‡ 16 VCDQ NR 46† (20–60) 38† (12–50)§ 0.017
Halevi-Katz,36 2019‡ 12 DI 3 weeks 2.00 (5.39) 16.83 (3.31)§ 0.0016
Murry et al,38 2010‡ 12¶ RSI-7 NR NR NR 0.05**
Olley et al, 201340 4 D12 NR 18.6 (7.8) 6.3 (5.7) NR
Non-Validated scales
1) Polar question—‘Have your symptoms improved?’
Study N* Time pre–post % responding YES P value
Krammer et al, 201733 25 NR 92 NR
Marcinow et al, 201518 34 NR 100 (>2 sessions) 29 (1 session) NR
Murry et al,38 2010‡ 16 NR NR (asked separately for cough, throat clear and hoarseness) <0.01
2) Ordinal severity scales
Study N* Time pre–post Scale description; range†† Pre measure(mean(SD) if applicable) Post measure(mean(SD) if applicable) P value
Hatzelis et al, 201237 1 12 months Severity of symptoms; 1–5 5 1 NR
Mathers-Schmidt and Brilla, 200522 1 16 weeks Dyspnoea rating scale; 1–3 2.4 1.3 NR
Nacci et al, 2011 ‡39 10 24 months (received three intervention cycles) Severity of symptoms; 1–10 9.2 6.2 p<0.01
10 24 months (received eight intervention cycles) 9.3 2.5 p<0.01
Warnes et al, 200544 1 NR Severity adaptive functioning; 1–6 5 0 NR
3) Symptom quantification
Study N* Time pre–post Description Pre measure(mean(SD) if applicable) Post measure(mean(SD) if applicable) P value
Mathers-Schmidt and Brilla, 200518 1 16 weeks Time to symptom onset 23 s 30 s NR
Pargeter & Mansur, 201641 249 NR Frequency of patient reported daily attacks 72% 10% NR
4) Symptom questionnaire
Study N* Time pre–post Description Pre measure (mean(SD) if applicable) Post measure (mean(SD) if applicable) P value
Pargeter & Mansur,41 2016‡ 249 NR In-house ILO symptom questionnaire; high score indicating poor control 16.57 (3.96) 7.75 (4.82) <0.001
5) Multichoice question
Study N* Time pre–post Description Pre measure (mean (SD) if applicable) Post measure (mean (SD) if applicable) P value
Shin et al, 201843 46 NR Have symptoms a) not improved b) improved c) worsened NA 50% improve 22% worsen NR

*Number of participants.


‡Studies reported statistically significant improvements pre–post intervention.

§Improved by the reported clinically meaningful response reported DI Dyspnoea Index Questionnaire; RSI Reflux Symptom Index item 7.

¶Only reported in 12/16 participants.

**Mean difference in score 3.76, no pre–post scores reported; D12 Dysponea12.

††Highest value most impairment.

ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; ACT, Asthma Control Test; NR, Not reported; VCDQ, Vocal Cord Dysfunction Questionnaire.