Fig. 4.
Fecundity estimates: a Estimated means of the number of eggs laid by field-collected Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) in four different villages (CO = colony, V1 = Minepa, V2 = Lupiro, V3 = Kisawasawa, V4 = Njage). b Estimated mean wing lengths of field An. gambiae (s.l.) in the four study villages. The data from laboratory-reared females are included as a reference. The vertical lines represent the 95% confidence levels, and the gap between the lines represents the mean. The black dots indicate mean differences relative to the reference group (in this case the number of eggs laid by laboratory-reared females). The filled gray curves indicate the resampled mean difference distribution of the number of eggs laid with reference to the colony unexposed mosquitos. The degree of significance is measured by how far the means of residuals varied from the reference line (0)