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. 2022 Jun 17;19:70. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01265-5

Table 1.

Average descriptive statistics for analytical sample (N = 590)

Variable M or % (SD or n)
Demographic and household
  Female 53% (315)
  Male 47% (275)
  Black/African American 41% (241)
  Hispanic and/or Latino 25% (148)
  White/Caucasian 19% (112)
  Other,b mixed, or none 15% (89)
 Body mass index (BMI) percentilec 73.88 (24.96)
 Annual household income $65,794 ($61,776)
 Adolescent living arrangements
  Does not live with two biological parents 68% (401)
  Lives with two biological parents 32% (189)
 Primary caregiver highest education completed
  Less than high school 14% (81)
  High school 18% (105)
  Some college 47% (276)
  College 22% (128)
Emotional health
 Boredomd 1.19 (.88)
 Lonelinessd .52 (.76)
 Happinessd 2.19 (.90)
 Depressive symptoms scoree .60 (.59)
School attendance
 Attended school (proportion of days) .43 (.34)
Nightly sleep measuresf
 Sleep duration (hrs) 7.80 (1.07)
 Sleep onset (clock time) 0:27 (1:44)
 Sleep midpoint (clock time) 4:21 (1:42)
 Sleep offset (clock time) 8:19 (1:46)
 Sleep maintenance efficiency (%) 90.71 (3.39)
 Subjective sleep qualityg 2.35 (.50)
Sleep variability measuresh
 Variability (SD) of sleep duration (hrs) 1.56 (.80)
 Variability (SD) of sleep onset (hrs) 1.29 (.73)
 Variability (SD) of sleep midpoint (hrs) 1.22 (.65)
 Variability (SD) of sleep offset (hrs) 1.57 (.91)
 Sleep regularity indexi 48.49 (13.24)
 Social jetlag (hrs)j 1.80 (1.15)
Dietary intake
 Consumed breakfast (proportion of days)k .70 (.33)

aData collected at birth

bOther category includes Asian, Central American/Caribbean, Native American/Alaska Native, and/or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

cCalculated based on 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth charts, matched for age and sex[46]

dRanges from 0 (very slightly or not at all)–4 (extremely)

eComputed from Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Score [47]. Range: 0 (low)–3 (high)[47]

fThe mean number of valid actigraphy nights per adolescent was 5.6 ± 1.4 (range: 3–9); IQR 5–7

gRanges from 0 (very bad)–3 (very good)

hHigher value means greater variability, except the reverse for the sleep regularity index

iCalculated based on formula from Phillips et al. [42]; ranges from 0 (low)–100 (high)

jCalculated based on formula from Wittmann et al. [43]. N = 372 (adolescent included only if provided at least one weekday and one weekend night of actigraphy; n = 372)

kThe mean number of breakfast reports per adolescent was 5.5 ± 1.4 (range: 3–9; IQR 4–7)

M, mean; hrs, hours; n, number; SD, standard deviation