Fig. 2. Photophysical properties of the designed compounds.
Normalized photoluminescence (PL) spectra of (a) TPMI-Cl, (b) TPMI-Br, and (c) TPMI-I in the crystalline state at different excitation wavelengths (λex); Insets: photos of the crystals taken under irradiation of a 365 nm UV lamp. Time-resolved photoluminescence decay curves and lifetimes (τ) of (d) TPMI-Cl, (e) TPMI-Br, and (f) TPMI-I taken at their corresponding emission maximums (λem). g Plots of the relative PL intensity (IL/IS) versus the λex, where IL and IS are the intensity maximum of the long-wavelength emission and short-wavelength emission, respectively. h Excitation spectra of TPMI-Br in the crystalline state taken at λem of 415 nm and 500 nm. i Normalized PL spectra and quantum yields (QY) of TPMI-Br in the amorphous state at different λex. Insets: photo of the TPMI-Br in the amorphous state taken under irradiation of a 365 nm UV lamp.