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. 2022 Jun 17;12:10169. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14359-8

Table 2.

VLSM analysis for FMA-UL and TSRT in the entire cohort (n = 41).

Test Structure Z-value X Y Z Voxels % area
FMA-UL Insula 3.51 −28 10 −14 847 45.59
Putamen 3.38 −24 2 −6 302 29.93
STG 3.37 −42 4 −10 244 10.63
EC 3.38 −30 12 −2 172 38.22
IFO 3.47 −26 10 −12 168 69.42
Heschl gyrus 3.04 −44 −12 4 80 35.56
Pallidum 3.34 −20 4 −6 72 24.57
SCR 2.90 −30 −8 22 50 5.41
PLIC 3.27 −26 −8 18 37 7.76
ACR 3.04 −24 30 14 32 3.70
SLF 3.16 −32 2 18 31 3.80
SS 3.21 −36 −14 −10 25 8.68
R. operculum 2.59 −36 6 14 25 2.53
UNC 3.07 −34 4 −16 23 46.94
RLIC 3.14 −30 −28 10 20 6.43
Temporal Pole Sup 3.39 −40 6 −18 19 1.48
MTG 2.90 −48 −12 −12 14 0.28
TSRT R. operculum 2.93 −38 −28 14 78 7.88
EC 3.12 −32 −8 6 56 12.44
Putamen 3.10 −32 −2 −2 47 4.66
STG 2.57 −44 −22 8 39 1.70
Insula 2.83 −44 6 −6 17 0.91
2.47 −40 −10 −12 16 0.86
Heschl gyrus 2.47 −38 −26 14 12 5.33

VLSM of FMA-UL passed FDR correction for multiple comparisons (corresponding in these analyses to z scores equal to or higher than 2.09). VLSM results of TSRT did not survive the FDR correction and are based on a lenient criterion (z score = 2.09 or above corresponding to uncorrected p ≤ 0.018).

FMA-UL Fugl-Meyer assessment scale for the upper limb, TSRT tonic stretch reflex threshold, ACR/SCR anterior/superior corona radiata, EC external capsule, IFO inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, MTG middle temporal gyrus, PLIC/RLIC posterior/retro-lenticular limb of internal capsule, R. operculum Rolandic operculum, SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus, SS sagittal stratum, STG superior temporal gyrus, Temporal Pole Sup temporopolar region of STG, UNC uncinate fasciculus.